Monday, May 21, 2012


Freaking hot outside today! Was dying while walking to Tim Hortons lol. ICED CAPPUCCINO <3

Friday, May 18, 2012

Eh. ⊙△⊙

Went shopping and went to downtown with my friends today ლ(╹◡╹ლ) Heheheh.

With Jaackiie and Solji o3o)v
With Jaackie C:

Green Tea frapp from Starbucks <3


Beaver tails are yummy C:

 While I was walking on the street with my friend in downtown, some old 50 years old pedo stopped in front of me and was doing the kissing face o_o I was like WTF GTFO? I think it's cause of my shirt lol idk... It was weird... *shivers* LOL

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I got a haircut today! They chopped off at least 20cm of my hair QuQ But I really like it ~ I was kinda tired of long hair anyways lol. 

Here's some before/after pictures


After (webcam pic sowwy QuQ + no makeup lol)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas (*≧▽≦) ~

Oh myyyy its been  a while since I've updated this blog  ~ ( ̄▽ ̄;)ノ  Hehehe sorry sorry ~ From now on I'll try to update it often ;3 If I'm not lazy of course LOL. I'm always lazyyyyyyy D: D: Anyways anyways, . . .First of all, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE O(≧∇≦)O!!! ~ Hope you have a great time with your friends or family ;3 ~

My dad bought me a electric guitar last week~ I never play this instrument before but I'll have guitar lessons after Christmas breaks >u< Sooo exited ~~~~ I also want to make a cover of Hanbunko from Stereopony ~ I love this song >3<

 My new electric guitar G&L Legacy Black *3* Nyahahaha *drools*

Will spend all my money that I got today ~  *u* I even made a list of what I want to buy >3<;;  Ohh and you know whaaaat? ~ I looveeee loveee loveeeeeeeee Ferrero Rocher so muchhh its like the best chocolate ever man o3o;;

YUUSH. Time to sleep like a pig now. Its 2:06 AM QuQ~  

Here's a recent picture of my face o3o;; Last camwhore pic of the year ~ Time pass so fast omg ;3; 

Saturday, September 17, 2011


I finally made some friends from my grade at school ~ So I don't think I'll be alone in class like last year >3<! ~ Plus I think that I found someone I love .... >//3//< NYAAAH SDNFJKSDNFSLJDNFSDKLM >A< !!! Anyways, I was so bored this weekend I started to watch animes again o3o; My friend suggested me Angel Beats and I finished it all in one day -u-; And then I started to watch Aoi no Exorcist but the problem is... THIS SERIE IS NOT COMPLETE FAWWWKK. + Its so good >3< ~ AND AND AND RIN IS SO KYUTEEE <3 *u*

Chu━━━(☆´3`(★´3`(☆´3`(★´3`(☆´3`)━━━!!! ~

'nuff said.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Long time no post O3O

HAIII long time no posting (* ̄▽ ̄)ノ I've been busy with....being bored all day =u=;
School has started already ._. *siiigh* I bought some school supply at Chinatown last week. I spent almost all my money on pencils and stickers ( ̄▽ ̄")

Cute ehh? *u*

 I think I should also talk about my trip to Toronto with my friends ~ We only stayed there for 2 days tho. But atleast we went to the best mall evaaaaaaaaaaaah (for me) ; Pacific Mall *u* ~ So many cute guys there compared to Montreal ehhh ~ *drools* *slap self* o3o ANYWAYS. Bought downlashes&eyeliner from Dolly wink and a pair of short. Too many stores there x_x We passed in front of the same shop 10 times cause we were lost (∩_∩;)

The three items on the left are mine btw 030 And the rest are my friend's stuff.

After Pacific mall, we went to Niagara Falls and this crowded place where there's arcades and restaurants (I don't remember the street name o3o). 

My friends JQ, solji and Tiffany ~ Hohoho *u*

Since I'm too lazy to write, I will post some random pictures with captions o3o;

Toronto's chinatown

Dragonssssssssss *u*

On the way home.Was raining like crazy x_x
Vitasoy is good isn't it ? (;

Haven't camwhore for a while :/ This is a old picture ish o3o.
I like to scribble my face :D

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Vacation = Boring

Everyday doing the same thins is boring . I should seriously need to find my bus card or make a new one
(┬┬_┬┬)~ *sigh*
So far what I did during this summer was Cuba,  watch fireworks with Tiffy and him,  went to USA. Didn't 
do much after that (┳Д┳) Might go to Toronto in a few week tho 

Wish I had a job so that I can buy all the shits I want.