Monday, September 5, 2011

Long time no post O3O

HAIII long time no posting (* ̄▽ ̄)ノ I've been busy with....being bored all day =u=;
School has started already ._. *siiigh* I bought some school supply at Chinatown last week. I spent almost all my money on pencils and stickers ( ̄▽ ̄")

Cute ehh? *u*

 I think I should also talk about my trip to Toronto with my friends ~ We only stayed there for 2 days tho. But atleast we went to the best mall evaaaaaaaaaaaah (for me) ; Pacific Mall *u* ~ So many cute guys there compared to Montreal ehhh ~ *drools* *slap self* o3o ANYWAYS. Bought downlashes&eyeliner from Dolly wink and a pair of short. Too many stores there x_x We passed in front of the same shop 10 times cause we were lost (∩_∩;)

The three items on the left are mine btw 030 And the rest are my friend's stuff.

After Pacific mall, we went to Niagara Falls and this crowded place where there's arcades and restaurants (I don't remember the street name o3o). 

My friends JQ, solji and Tiffany ~ Hohoho *u*

Since I'm too lazy to write, I will post some random pictures with captions o3o;

Toronto's chinatown

Dragonssssssssss *u*

On the way home.Was raining like crazy x_x
Vitasoy is good isn't it ? (;

Haven't camwhore for a while :/ This is a old picture ish o3o.
I like to scribble my face :D

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