Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas (*≧▽≦) ~

Oh myyyy its been  a while since I've updated this blog  ~ ( ̄▽ ̄;)ノ  Hehehe sorry sorry ~ From now on I'll try to update it often ;3 If I'm not lazy of course LOL. I'm always lazyyyyyyy D: D: Anyways anyways, . . .First of all, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE O(≧∇≦)O!!! ~ Hope you have a great time with your friends or family ;3 ~

My dad bought me a electric guitar last week~ I never play this instrument before but I'll have guitar lessons after Christmas breaks >u< Sooo exited ~~~~ I also want to make a cover of Hanbunko from Stereopony ~ I love this song >3<

 My new electric guitar G&L Legacy Black *3* Nyahahaha *drools*

Will spend all my money that I got today ~  *u* I even made a list of what I want to buy >3<;;  Ohh and you know whaaaat? ~ I looveeee loveee loveeeeeeeee Ferrero Rocher so muchhh its like the best chocolate ever man o3o;;

YUUSH. Time to sleep like a pig now. Its 2:06 AM QuQ~  

Here's a recent picture of my face o3o;; Last camwhore pic of the year ~ Time pass so fast omg ;3; 

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